Wednesday, January 18, 2006

About Me!!

I believe thats how I shud have started. Writing abt me, myself and Irene (n who the heck is irene!! ..i really dont know but doesn't it go well with the phulleez bear with it)..Hmmm..So as i said I really wanted to start writing abt myself but Boy! was I crazy about publishing my first blog quickly! and as soon as i learnt how to do it...(yes! I am technologically challanged!.. but then..picking up!) i chose the darkest colour available for template, scribbled something melancholic n gloomy. n then named the blog as 'LIFE's TO LIVE'...n when the irony of the situation hit me was tooo late..I had already published it!!...
R u still taking this ca-ca!! ..Amazing!! ..Since its impossible for me to talk abt myself in a structured way so i'd just elaborate on whats there in my profile and why its there...
believe me, I ain't as boring as my blog. n for godsake am not at all one of those philosopher kinds either(as u might assume after reading the first blog).. it was just scribbled in a moment when i was stuck in Kurt cobain's body for sometime during an MPD fit...(MPD...'Tell me your dreams-sydney sheldon(did i spell it rightly!!...NO..)' ..oouff...ok..multiple personality disorder!!.) ...M seriously struck by this disease n this causes mood swings n wot not!! ( u need to know me more for that)...n all this reflects on my writings!!....
As u'd have guessed it by now, I luv crapping, and like this blog my talks are mostly insensible n as they say full of farts n no shit!!...I have an opinion abt everything ..from saif's new hairstyle to plummetting share market altho i know nothing abt either...always wanted to do something innovative and creative in life but ended up with the most cliche`d n cheesy jobs of all....yaa yaa u guessed it right! ...I too sit infront of a brain box (they call it computer).. staring indefinitely into a screen ...trying to figure out who's nastier...!!
My Interests:
Theatre was my second luv..(i'd cum back to the first one later!)I did a lot of theatre during my school n college, n god hasn't been unkind n i still keep working on my talent at office in one way or the other(that says for all the delays n sickleaves n.. (Hey nuts! u again late for the office??...sorry sir, actually i got ready n was abt to start when .. suddenly i happened to shit in my pants n then sir, ...) .. shhhhhh..lets not get further into it!! who knows my boss might be reading this someday!!)..
I was passionate about Music.. from violin to mandolin i successfully tried my hands at everything ..however somehow haven't touched any of them in last four years and of late my so called passion for music has burnt down to RAAGA.COM or at times tuning to FM .. How boring !!..I know ..but isn't life like that!!
Favourite Movies:
I thot i too wud write some of the great oscar winners here, and believe me just to keep up with the trend I tried watchn the kinds of Bravehearts, Forrest gumps,etc etc etc. but oops I fell asleep thru all of them. Ok! lemme be frank ..I like Mr. Beans!!...I think he is funny! I luv govinda n his hamming....I generally hated SRK n his mushy slushy stuff... and then one day I happened to sit thru one of those never ending tales of luv n more luv... (just to be in an interesting company).. lending a cold shoulder (pun intended!!) to my neighbour who was on the verge of an emotional burst, n then.. I tried to look around ...and Man, what a site!! thousands of inundated eyes were ready to drop at every screaching n gnawing of sssss..saharukh..n thats when i realized that my ideas for an SRK movie were all wet(again pun intended!)!!...Do i really have to say this..oooofff.......ok..I am a big time fan of his!!.(hope this wud increase the TRP of my blog!!)
to sum it up ..(told u i crap a lot..) a movie maniac, i can be caught outside some theatre, soliciting a blackia (thats vernacular ..dint get it?..aarre yaar jo tickets black karta hai!!) every friday...
Favourite Books:
Well this one is easy!..I do read ocaassionally, have no choice in particular but yaa size does matter for me..! I can't read very thick books, n thats y i missed out on Atlas shrugged n Gone with the wind. In fiction I luved everything from sidney sheldon, Alistair Maclaine to Robin cook during school.. It might sound cliche` but I too luv Howard Roark and his world!(fountainhead)....but then its the peter keating who earns it for me!! Of late I read pappillon, Interpretation of dreams by sigmund freud, Animal Farm-George orwell, Siddhartha-Hermen Hesse. (dont kill me if the names are spelled incorrectly..)

Bas ab thak gaya !! ... itnaa to apne 3 saal ke professional life mein bhi type nahin kiya....
Wud get back soon with a new topic...! hopefully a decent one!....
Do keep coming back to the blog !!...u never know when this MPD drives me to one of your favourite characters!!
till then keep living life to its fullest!!...
... n please don't be a surreptitious reader..all good, bad n ugly comments are welcome!!....

Friday, January 13, 2006

When the grass was no longer green!

sitting on a thin line of conscious unconsciousness
the sound of silence pouring in from all sides
with darkness all around
and an empty room full of smoke
but still...
the candle burning
to keep me alive..

and as i stared at that ajar door
while the world was turning all around me
i saw it coming thru the door...
the wind of time that i had lost ages ago
but then my hands were not free to catch it
one of them was holding the sky while the other held my senses
and as it went past

stirring up the smoke behind
the candle blew away too ...

and i laid swooned in the middle of the room
just wondering...
whether i was dreaming a life or
living a dream...